Learn more about Masonic Home of Florida’s 100+ year legacy of caring.
Experts in their fields our directors are the foundation of caring that permeates every part of Masonic Home of Florida.
Every day we see the benefits in countless ways, the most visible of which are all the ways people in our larger community step in to help.
Working at Masonic Home of Florida provides the opportunities and resources to do your job the best that you can and make a difference.
Life in our community with the programs, spaces, and features that provide a better quality of living.
Designed to help our residents maintain the strength they have when they arrive and, when possible, restore some independence.
A Little Assistance Makes a Big Difference. We know our residents well enough to know what they need, how, and when.
Learn how to join our community through various admission plans for Masons, their wives or widows, and the entire community.
Masonic Home of Florida is located on an 18+ acre waterfront landscape less than two miles from vibrant downtown St. Petersburg.
Frequently Asked Questions about Masonic Home of Florida.