Meeting Masons Needs
Right Where They Are…

Masonic Outreach Services is the primary resource through which Masons and their loved ones in Florida are connected with relief and support services

The one-stop Outreach hotline connects callers with referrals to local services like doctors, veterans’ benefits, local in-home care, and senior- transportation agencies.

The Care Coordinator helps navigate care needs. They provide regular check- ins, information about local programs and supports, and can help with securing senior housing in the community.

Information And Referral Services

Providing consultation over the phone linking callers to services such as home care, senior housing, public benefits, Medicare and Medicaid resources, veterans benefit counselors and transportation agencies.

Care Management

Our team can provide ongoing support when a fraternal member is facing loss of a spouse, acute medical issues or other challenges. Support is provided to navigate the healthcare services/benefits system as an advocate for the member. As well as connecting the individual with lodge programs for visits and support

Financial Assistance

Through the non-resident relief application process short term financial assistance may be provided to a fraternal member. Support is need-based and applicants must meet financial criteria and must already be receiving all eligible public benefits.

Learn more about Resident Life at the Masonic Home